Thursday, 17 March 2016

Rube Goldberg machines

The senior groups have been learning about Rube Goldberg machines in class. We decided to have a go at making them in our English Class.

We used all sorts of materials and we had to make lots of moderation's to our machines.  Have a look below at some writing and photos.

Rube Goldberg Machine

On Thursday, l made a domino run with Andrew.
We used dominoes, cardboard tubes, wooden blocks, marbles and cars.
For me, the easy part was finding the part, designing the part and co-operation.
The hard part was picking up the dominoes, because it kept stopping and people kept bumping the tables.
I enjoyed it because it was fun and we used our head to think.
Next time, l will not put too many dominoes.

By Catherine Gu

Rube Goldberg Machine.

I made domino,marble,block and bell machines.
I worked with Adrian w.
I used domino,cars,toys,bell and woodblocks.
The easy part was workings as a team because adrian was helpful.
The hard part was building that domino things because they kept falling down.
I enjoyed it because it was fun there was no rules it made us laugh.
Next time I want to make it with another partner.

By Youngheen

Sunday, 13 March 2016

Family Morning tea

Last Friday we held a morning tea for our parents.  We baked chocolate brownie for everyone to enjoy.  It tasted delicious!
After morning tea our parents played English board games with us - that we made ourselves.
It was lovely to see everyone.
Here are some photos of us making the chocolate brownie.